Trail Weld is the newest creation from Scully Offroad. We love products that are bred out of necessity! Over many years of back country off-roading and adventure travel all over the world we have seen many attempts to repair and fix down vehicles in the field. Trail Weld is THE way to get your rig back together when it counts…
After teaching many classes to military personnel with CAMERON ADVANCED MOBILITY and civilians at various events like Overland EXPO, Scully Offroad has assembled a kit of go to tools that make field repairs with welding simpler. After hundreds of hours of testing products and narrowing down the right kit we have assembled the best series battery welding kit available.
With Trail Weld you will be able to connect two or three batteries in series allowing you to arc weld with the dedicated cables specifically for welding. Have you ever run into someone trying to use jumper cables and batteries to repair a broken frame? We have and let me tell ya it generally doesn’t turn out very well…. With Trail Weld, you simply remove your batteries from the vehicles, connect our easy to use cables in series and you are ready to go!

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